Self organise
action plans💯
We need everyone's creativity to be activated, to feel one with everything around us and to take ownership to restore harmony, balance and peace in this world. We are each powerful. We are each capable and we are stronger, together.
New World Frameworks
Trust 🤝 is going to be our new currency as we advance digitally. How can we relate to and rely on each other will be key. The third instalment of the Co-Prosperity Book Series focuses on unlocking Heart Intelligence 5.0 to enhance our interpersonal relations. By embracing these principles, we can foster a harmonic resonance that encourages interdependent relationships for collective prosperity🌏
Be Present
The art of listening is perhaps what is going to help us be more present, in all aspects of our lives. So often we are relying on quick fixes, shortcuts and learnt behaviours to navigate our day-to-day without realising that if we just stop to listen, a new 🧠neuropathway can be formed.
Similarly in our personal and professional capacities, let's learn to take more pauses to listen to our heartbeat and that of another to create harmonic resonances for new, innovative ideas💡to reverberate.
Engage Fully
When we choose to disconnect to self-preserve, we fossilise this belief that we are fragile. But when we realise we have the innate ability to keep ourselves safe regardless, we overcome this barrier.🫂
Authentic open communications will help us restore trust in ourselves and others. Let's work with others to collect as much intelligence on a sustainability challenge, be it environmental or people-centric, so that we can begin restoring balance ⚖️ together.
Highest Good
This term is not well understood given its philosophical origins and common misconception that it only applies to the materially wealthy. 'Highest good' applies to all of us, in any given moment because time on Earth 🌏 is finite.
It is therefore important to be well-intentional about our choices. With many research findings supporting known secrets to a well-lived life such as be kind, do good, eat well, live well and take responsibility...we know what it takes to achieve our highest good, together. 😊
Highest returns
Investments that consider the tangible and intangible outcomes are more likely to invest, in verticals that ensure upstream ♻️green value design are strategically considered, for downstream new value creation.
This will require fund managers to be well-versed in the spectrum of sustainability co-benefits when it comes to investing in New Earth solutions. Patient capital💰 is not the only way towards sustainable finance, a well integrated pathway towards unlocking highest good, is.
Group Wisdom
An interdependent world is one where we reintroduce community spirit to recreate with Nature. It is when we are ready to reprioritise what is important to each one of us to cultivate more harmony and well-being into our lives. We instinctively reduce our consumption and begin reimagining a New World with technology that is regenerative and sustainable, inside-out.🫶
Easy is Right
📥Keep processes simple. Communicate them clearly to ensure everyone is able to understand and implement. Each stakeholder may have differing levels of knowledge, skills or experience. This need not mean that they do not have the aptitude or attitude to learn. As leaders, we can help reframe so that work can be as productive as possible!
Transformation Pathways
🌈Creative solutions built with dignity consciousness requires everyone to be on the same page. This implies a need for most businesses to look into building authentic, organic and strong cultures for long-term business success. A culture that is inclusive, meets people where they are at and ensures outcomes are not at the expense of what matters to different stakeholders, is valuable.
Responsibility To Act
Values-based management will be the saving grace for most businesses as stakeholder capitalism arises. If we study the trends of family-owned businesses that have stood the test of time in increasing monopolisation and rapid growth of the Fast-Moving Consumer Goods (FCMG) industry for instance, it is their tenacity to put people and planet first that has earned their consumer's trust.⛱️